VUTBR - FIT: MAT 2018/2019
3 4 4
Math expression validator for Yii2
0 4 4
Short custom plugins for Jekyll that don't deserve their own repositor...
An all-in-one library that dedicated to provide more functions mostly...
a Matlab Fractal Drawing Sample
A list of questions about the basic methods and theories in linear alg...
Render vectors as colored arrows in Unity
A text-based calculator written in Rust
1 4 4
a deterministic math library in csharp
🤘JS library with helper functions
Open source notes on data structures/algorithms, calc II, and material...
a set of small lua modules for gamedev
Schedule for Sunday lectures
2 4 4
A Golang implementation of arithmetic in GF(2^8).
An Orthodox and Catholic Easter Date Calculator
A fast equation editor in CoffeeScript
Generate music using math
PHP 5.3+ library for arithmetic operations on integers that wraps arou...
A language interpreted through java that is geared towards formula sol...
Special functions to extend the math package.
This repository is where I store my codes for Competitive Programming...
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering in JavaScript
A lodash inspired library for Rust.
A templated header-only 2D Vector class
Some useful structures for graphics programming in JavaScript I guess....
Calculator but without eval() :infinity:
4 4 4
A math evaluator written in C
Collection of general-purpose C++ algorithms
John Conway's Doomsday algorithm trainer.
LaTeX package for simple line breaking of long formulae.
Introducción a HaskellForMaths
🔢 Get the greatest common devisor of two numbers
Work in progress. See how ancient civilizations wrote their numbers. B...
a minimal DOT alternative with a sleek syntax and math support.
System of linear equations solver by the gauss method.
A Blum-Blum-Shub-Generator written in Go
Arbitrary(ish) precision floating-point structure for .NET.
An explainer video built with 3blue1brown's manim
ML and Music.
Solutions of complicated problems; implementations of algorithms
Evaluates SimpleRocket save links - currently, calculates center of gr...
Jupyter notebooks for the math and implementations of popular machine...
Suitable cryptographic math library in pure Rust
Markdown Cookbook
Showing 1251 to 1297 of 1297 results