Most popular objective-c repositories and open source projects
Objective-C builds on the foundations of ANSI C. Compared to other object-oriented languages based on C, Objective-C is very dynamic. Dynamism enables the construction of sophisticated development tools. Since Objective-C incorporates C, one gets all the benefits of C when working within Objective-C.
Apply a coding style with clang-format only to new code added to an ex...
52 180 180
⛔️ DEPRECATED - A drop-in Objective-C ViewController that will Automa...
55 176 176
An infinite-scroll banner implemented with two views, includes Swift a...
5 173 173
UILabel subclass for links which are tappable, long-pressable, 3D Touc...
35 170 170
An ultra light, ultra simple two way binding library for IOS and Swift...
48 163 163