Most popular typescript repositories and open source projects
TypeScript is an open source programming language developed by Microsoft and first released in 2012. It is designed to add type safety to JavaScript while conforming as closely as possible to the syntax and semantics of the ECMAScript standard. It is a syntactical superset of the JavaScript programming language; all valid JavaScript source code is also valid TypeScript source code, but not vice-versa. TypeScript compiles (or transpiles) to JavaScript, meaning that it can be utilized to target any JavaScript environment. It can be used to develop JavaScript for both client-side and server-side applications.
A set of background integration scheme based on vue3, element-plus, ty...
278 1039 1039
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow ebook to learn everything from the bas...
164 1032 1032
A lightweight production-ready Carousel that rocks supports multiple i...
245 1031 1031
Non-opinionated TypeScript starter for Next.js. All the tools you need...
134 1030 1030
Simple global state for React with Hooks API without Context API
57 1026 1026
Generates TypeScript from Java - JSON declarations, REST service clien...
226 1023 1023
👻 A Snapchat clone built with React and Redux. Written in Typescript....
203 1005 1005
The project is based on best practices from the community, other githu...
330 987 987
REST API boilerplate using NodeJS and KOA2, typescript. Logging and JW...
167 971 971
Landy is an open-source React landing page template designed for devel...
349 966 966
A cross platform desktop reading app, based on the Readium Desktop too...
111 959 959
Subtly change the color of your Visual Studio Code workspace. Ideal wh...
103 948 948
The open-source frontend for any eCommerce. Built with a PWA and headl...
169 940 940