Most popular typescript repositories and open source projects
TypeScript is an open source programming language developed by Microsoft and first released in 2012. It is designed to add type safety to JavaScript while conforming as closely as possible to the syntax and semantics of the ECMAScript standard. It is a syntactical superset of the JavaScript programming language; all valid JavaScript source code is also valid TypeScript source code, but not vice-versa. TypeScript compiles (or transpiles) to JavaScript, meaning that it can be utilized to target any JavaScript environment. It can be used to develop JavaScript for both client-side and server-side applications.
:sparkles: Monorepo for all the tooling related to using ESLint with A...
179 1390 1390
Asp.Net 7.0 & Angular 15 SPA Fullstack application with plenty of exam...
468 1388 1388
A thin, typed, React wrapper over Google Charts Visualization and Char...
305 1386 1386
freezeframe.js is a library that pauses animated .gifs and enables the...
108 1362 1362
This is a project to quickly experiment and learn electron related API...
158 1353 1353
A realistic approach to implement clean architecture on react codebase...
159 1321 1321
😎 🐣 A starter boilerplate for a universal web app with the best develo...
245 1299 1299
Bundling Chrome Extensions can be pretty complex. It doesn't have to b...
101 1270 1270