How to download and setup upload-bundle
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of upload-bundle repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with upload-bundle
Or simply clone upload-bundle with SSH
If you have some problems with upload-bundle
You may open issue on upload-bundle support forum (system) here: to upload-bundle repositories
Here you may see upload-bundle alternatives and analogs
symfony webpack-bundle-analyzer nexe pyinstaller poi microbundle bundle-buddy EasyAdminBundle homebrew-bundle NelmioApiDocBundle SensioFrameworkExtraBundle LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle VichUploaderBundle DoctrineMigrationsBundle framework-bundle LiipImagineBundle FOSElasticaBundle SncRedisBundle KnpMenuBundle twig-bundle swiftmailer-bundle security-bundle web-profiler-bundle NelmioCorsBundle CraueFormFlowBundle SensioGeneratorBundle web-server-bundle LiipFunctionalTestBundle debug-bundle