APIs REST simulando loja virtual para servir de estudo de testes de API de forma manual ou automatizada
How to download and setup ServeRest
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of ServeRest repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with ServeRest
Or simply clone ServeRest with SSH
[email protected]:ServeRest/ServeRest.git
If you have some problems with ServeRest
You may open issue on ServeRest support forum (system) here: to ServeRest repositories
Here you may see ServeRest alternatives and analogs
storybook enzyme mocha nodebestpractices ava cli factory_bot Quick RandomKit puppeteer falcon strapi opensource php-curl-class Requester ngx-resource fuel ZMJImageEditor SwiftMockGeneratorForXcode sqa-wiki jest rest-assured mimesis pythonVSCode vscode-restclient evolutility-ui-react Catch2 express-rest-boilerplate starter-lapis express-api-es6-starter