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使用 Golang 实现的 可交互命令行 本机传递工具。全程使用本机127.0.0.1网络,无需外网与web,更不需要导出端口。当你在 Docker 容器中运行了一个需要输入输出的可交互命令,只需要在原本的启动命令行前加上 server ,即可通过 docker exec 进入容器执行 client 来连接到目标命令行。

How to download and setup WatchDoger

Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/WankkoRee/WatchDoger.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of WatchDoger repositories. You pass git clone a repository URL.
it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.

Also you may download zip file with WatchDoger https://github.com/WankkoRee/WatchDoger/archive/master.zip

Or simply clone WatchDoger with SSH
[email protected]:WankkoRee/WatchDoger.git

If you have some problems with WatchDoger

You may open issue on WatchDoger support forum (system) here: https://github.com/WankkoRee/WatchDoger/issues

Similar to WatchDoger repositories

Here you may see WatchDoger alternatives and analogs

 upterm    gotty    browsh    xterm.js    ttyd    asciinema-player    terminalizer    termion    tty-prompt    rtty    readline-sync    fast-syntax-highlighting    tty-command    tty-spinner    tty-progressbar    tty-markdown    rttys    saldl    tio    tty-table    atty    tty-screen    zsh-cmd-architect    tty-font    ololog    asciinema-rs    tty-cursor    tty-file    finalcut    castty