:sparkling_heart: Makeit Modal 弹窗组件,基于 Vue3.x + Vite 开发 :sweat_drops: 该组件可以在当前页面打开一个浮层来处理相关事务的某些节点,不影响整个事务的流程 :collision: 内含多种弹出动效,同时包含快捷弹窗,便于快速处理浮窗提示 :fire:
How to download and setup miitvip-modal
Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/lirongtong/miitvip-modal.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of miitvip-modal repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with miitvip-modal https://github.com/lirongtong/miitvip-modal/archive/master.zip
Or simply clone miitvip-modal with SSH
[email protected]:lirongtong/miitvip-modal.git
If you have some problems with miitvip-modal
You may open issue on miitvip-modal support forum (system) here: https://github.com/lirongtong/miitvip-modal/issuesSimilar to miitvip-modal repositories
Here you may see miitvip-modal alternatives and analogs
bootstrap-vue ng-bootstrap bootstrap-modal tingle zuck.js Semantic-UI sweetalert sweetalert2 PopupDialog LNPopupController STPopup AMPopTip SwiftEntryKit vue-ydui jquery-confirm zhPopupController arek CDAlertView zoid YBPopupMenu AlertOnboarding Rg.Plugins.Popup paypal-checkout-components MIBlurPopup post-robot react-native-social-share search-dialog PopupWindow PowerMenu LongPressPopup