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37 Stars
37 Watchers


A reverse engineering effort of Earthsiege, Starsiege and other games made by Dynamix to create an open source engine to run original content from each game, while also providing fixes for the original binaries to run on modern operating systems.

How to download and setup open-siege

Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/open-siege/open-siege.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of open-siege repositories. You pass git clone a repository URL.
it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.

Also you may download zip file with open-siege https://github.com/open-siege/open-siege/archive/master.zip

Or simply clone open-siege with SSH
[email protected]:open-siege/open-siege.git

If you have some problems with open-siege

You may open issue on open-siege support forum (system) here: https://github.com/open-siege/open-siege/issues

Similar to open-siege repositories

Here you may see open-siege alternatives and analogs

 alacritty    cute_headers    openage    openFrameworks    OpenRCT2    tinyrenderer    mapbox-gl-native    awesome-vulkan    pyopencl    SFML    glfw    allegro5    bgfx    rust-doom    herebedragons    Glitter    ogre    glumpy    fauxgl    StarWars.Android    RenderPipeline    PixelFlow    Bonzomatic    ouzel    Partikel_accelleration_on_GPU    Yampa    react-imgpro    OpenLara    awesome-opengl    magnum