Optimized media, analytics and graphics software stack images. Use the dockerfile(s) in your project or as a recipe book for bare metal installation.
How to download and setup Dockerfiles
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of Dockerfiles repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with Dockerfiles
Or simply clone Dockerfiles with SSH
[email protected]:OpenVisualCloud/Dockerfiles.git
If you have some problems with Dockerfiles
You may open issue on Dockerfiles support forum (system) here: to Dockerfiles repositories
Here you may see Dockerfiles alternatives and analogs
webtorrent grafana matomo blog netdata stats dashboards awesome-datascience webtorrent-desktop dotfiles papers-I-read react-native-firebase srs nginx-vod-module H5-dash-hls-rtmp-webrtc ZLMediaKit nixy awesome-nginx-security docker-django-nginx-uwsgi-postgres-load-balance-tutorial kong nginx-proxy paperwork Rocket.Chat metabase huststore goaccess ngxtop nginx-php-fpm uwsgi-nginx-flask-docker