📚 🐣 软件实践文集。主题不限,思考讨论有趣有料就好,包含如 系统的模型分析/量化分析、开源漫游者指南、软件可靠性设计实践、平台产品的逻辑与执行… 🥤
How to download and setup software-practice-thoughts
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of software-practice-thoughts repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with software-practice-thoughts
Or simply clone software-practice-thoughts with SSH
[email protected]:oldratlee/software-practice-thoughts.git
If you have some problems with software-practice-thoughts
You may open issue on software-practice-thoughts support forum (system) here: to software-practice-thoughts repositories
Here you may see software-practice-thoughts alternatives and analogs
30-seconds-of-code gogs harness hub phabricator gitsome github-cheat-sheet curriculum gitignore tips git-extras diff-so-fancy gitea husky ungit git-recipes gitbucket libgit2 tig git-lfs decap-cms desktop pure git-standup githug legit docker-gitlab vim-gitgutter gitql my-git