An interpreter of lua-like language written in C++
16 69 69
A Java parser for ANSI ASC X12 documents.
37 69 69
Native Go bindings for OpenWrt's UCI.
23 69 69
Crossplatform all-in-one INI-file parser, written on C++ with STL. Sup...
27 69 69
args-parser is a small C++ header-only library for parsing command lin...
13 69 69
Format and Parse date and time with joda layout
12 68 68
Various and sundry additional pieces of software I've written to incor...
1 68 68
🖼A full-featured PNG decoder and encoder.
7 68 68
Scrapbox notation → JavaScript Object
10 68 68
Implement a Lisp, in C, from scratch, no libs
6 68 68
17 68 68
Golang network scanner with arp discovery and own parser
18 68 68
Santiago is a lexing and parsing toolkit for Rust
3 68 68
An MFM parser implementation with TypeScript.
15 68 68
JSON Parsing + Archiving & Unarchiving in User Defaults
11 67 67
Extensible arithmetic parsing lib for go
1 67 67
Type-aware JSON serializer/parser
16 67 67
A parser for sqlite create table sql statements.
7 67 67
The Elixir AST explorer
6 67 67
A JSON library implemented in VHDL.
13 67 67
Blackbird is a quantum assembly language for continuous-variable quant...
26 67 67
glTF 2.0 parser/loader for C++17, supports many extensions likes `KHR_...
8 67 67
Verilog grammar for tree-sitter
21 67 67
Simple C Compiler in OCaml
cssparser.js is a parser that generate json from css with matched orde...
17 66 66
A measurement and data type conversion library for Java, JavaScript an...
14 66 66
A compiler that converts C language to Java bytecode or can directly i...
19 66 66
A fast and lightweight streaming JSON-LD parser for JavaScript
Extract emails from a given website
30 66 66
CSS grammar for Tree-sitter
25 66 66
Julia parser, interpreter and compiler interface for the Planning Doma...
8 66 66
A compiler that accepts any valid program written in C. It is made usi...
21 66 66
Fast and simple datetime, date, time and duration parsing for rust.
5 66 66
C Compiler using flex, bison and C++14 that compiles to mips32 assembl...
12 65 65
Parser for robots.txt for node.js
22 65 65
TypeCobol is an Incremental Cobol parser for IBM Enterprise Cobol 6 fo...
25 65 65
.NET SQL Parser and Formatter Tool and SSMS Plugin
27 65 65
Library for parsing/writing files associated with osu!
11 65 65
Modern LALR(1) parser for C++
10 65 65
Library and cli for extracting data from HTML via CSS selectors
3 65 65
Pipeline component for spaCy (and other spaCy-wrapped parsers such as...
19 64 64
Node.js lib to transform: lucene query → syntax tree → lucene query
33 64 64
A Racc based TOML parser
14 64 64
µjson - A fast and minimal JSON parser and transformer that works on u...
8 64 64
Parser for uniform resource names as seen on RFC 2141
11 64 64
A Python parser written in Rust using nom
DBML parser and builder for Python
9 64 64
非官方自行编写@Babel/traverse API文档
18 64 64
A simple and easy-to-use zig library for parsing command line argument...
4 64 64