A lightweight module to construct and parse query parameters of URLs. A set of functions for working with url. Easy to add parameters to url, easy to extract parameters from url. You can also get path from url.
How to download and setup vanilla-js-url
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of vanilla-js-url repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with vanilla-js-url
Or simply clone vanilla-js-url with SSH
[email protected]:worka/vanilla-js-url.git
If you have some problems with vanilla-js-url
You may open issue on vanilla-js-url support forum (system) here: to vanilla-js-url repositories
Here you may see vanilla-js-url alternatives and analogs
dragula interact.js choo filepond rome instantsearch hyperHTML woofmark vanilla-tilt.js horsey vanilla tingle insignia medium-zoom opensource bunny viperHTML server jkanban enoki jsonTree LunaUnitFrames smooth-dnd Croppr.js Validatinator arcgis-rest-js DPSMate sample-currency-converter vanilla-back-to-top lazy-cache