Bootstrap 5 based Vue 3 components and directives. CoreUI for Vue.js replaces and extends the Bootstrap 5 javascript. Components have been built from scratch as true Vue 3 components.
How to download and setup coreui-vue
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of coreui-vue repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with coreui-vue
Or simply clone coreui-vue with SSH
[email protected]:coreui/coreui-vue.git
If you have some problems with coreui-vue
You may open issue on coreui-vue support forum (system) here: to coreui-vue repositories
Here you may see coreui-vue alternatives and analogs
bootstrap vue free-programming-books-zh_CN ionic-framework element storybook js-stack-from-scratch react-bootstrap sheetjs best-resume-ever prettier iview tabler NativeScript bootswatch gentelella OnsenUI nuxt Cachet awesome-cheatsheets marktext voten quasar rxdb electron-vue ice sage vuestic-admin mdb-ui-kit bootstrap-datepicker