This repository contains the best Data Science free hand-picked resources to equip you with all the industry-driven skills and interview preparation kit.
How to download and setup Best-Data-Science-Resources
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of Best-Data-Science-Resources repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with Best-Data-Science-Resources
Or simply clone Best-Data-Science-Resources with SSH
[email protected]:Mohitkr95/Best-Data-Science-Resources.git
If you have some problems with Best-Data-Science-Resources
You may open issue on Best-Data-Science-Resources support forum (system) here: to Best-Data-Science-Resources repositories
Here you may see Best-Data-Science-Resources alternatives and analogs
meteor 30-seconds-of-code N-blog tensorflow pytorch CNTK data-science-ipython-notebooks classroom gogs harness hub phabricator gitsome saws aws-doc-sdk-examples viz github-cheat-sheet netdata deeplearning4j NodeBB android-dev-sources brain.js machine-learning-curriculum curriculum natural-language-processing gitignore tips git-extras diff-so-fancy gitea