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get_field has cost in front end! it means when you perform this function it calls multiple time queries as you store data in your backend. in simple words if you had 1000 text box in your acf option back-end and you call acf get_field in front-end it will call mysql query 1000 times and if you want use acf and care about your performance you will need to use this plugin or other approciate approche.

How to download and setup acf-getallobjects

Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/devlifeX/acf-getallobjects.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of acf-getallobjects repositories. You pass git clone a repository URL.
it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.

Also you may download zip file with acf-getallobjects https://github.com/devlifeX/acf-getallobjects/archive/master.zip

Or simply clone acf-getallobjects with SSH
[email protected]:devlifeX/acf-getallobjects.git

If you have some problems with acf-getallobjects

You may open issue on acf-getallobjects support forum (system) here: https://github.com/devlifeX/acf-getallobjects/issues

Similar to acf-getallobjects repositories

Here you may see acf-getallobjects alternatives and analogs

 inferno    react-virtualized    ava    gin    iris    netdata    marktext    k6    hyperHTML    medium-zoom    viperHTML    guess    webpack.js.org    browser-perf    perfume.js    perflint    garie    karma-telemetry    neon    performance-bookmarklet    android-tips-tricks    hotspot    must-watch-css    sharp    Halide    laravel-model-cleanup    pyopencl    compile-blades    django-speedinfo    webdriverio