无依赖 mini 组件库,只封装了 alert, toast, loading, actionSheet 等使用频率较高的组件。适用于类似 H5 活动页的简单移动端项目,不必为了使用这些组件而引入一个大而全的 UI 库和框架。
How to download and setup iakit
Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/xiaoyann/iakit.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of iakit repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with iakit https://github.com/xiaoyann/iakit/archive/master.zip
Or simply clone iakit with SSH
[email protected]:xiaoyann/iakit.git
If you have some problems with iakit
You may open issue on iakit support forum (system) here: https://github.com/xiaoyann/iakit/issuesSimilar to iakit repositories
Here you may see iakit alternatives and analogs
ionic-framework awesome-react-native NativeScript flutter fastlane weex material-dialogs framework7 framework realm-swift matomo realm-java reactjs101 ng-bootstrap interact.js Paddle-Lite awesome-test-automation mobi.css awesome-flutter gwt-polymer-elements rax wcdb metrica-sdk-ios sweetalert sweetalert2 PopupDialog SwiftEntryKit vue-ydui jquery-confirm zhPopupController