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DEPRECATED - Streamdeck-like Node.js lan server, which you can use to remotely execute custom scripts on your Windows PC from nearly any device. With optional Spotify integration, so you can see what is playing on the web client in real time.

How to download and setup remoteshortcuts

Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/pavelkabel/remoteshortcuts.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of remoteshortcuts repositories. You pass git clone a repository URL.
it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.

Also you may download zip file with remoteshortcuts https://github.com/pavelkabel/remoteshortcuts/archive/master.zip

Or simply clone remoteshortcuts with SSH
[email protected]:pavelkabel/remoteshortcuts.git

If you have some problems with remoteshortcuts

You may open issue on remoteshortcuts support forum (system) here: https://github.com/pavelkabel/remoteshortcuts/issues

Similar to remoteshortcuts repositories

Here you may see remoteshortcuts alternatives and analogs

 OpenRCT2    server    toggldesktop    awesome-vscode    Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows    framework    roslyn    asm-dude    msbuild    vcpkg    MvvmCross    VsVim    TranslucentTB    Prism    WindowsCommunityToolkit    PTVS    Bridge    EquinoxProject    VisualStudio    TemplateStudio    sol2    xmake    UI-For-UWP    dockpanelsuite    codemaid    Roslynator    CN-VScode-Docs    SharpSCADA    poshtools    chutzpah