SVG Image generator for Blender3D
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A C++ application which can load an OBJ file and render the Bezier cur...
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Asynchronous rendering decorator for Choo
Pascal - Ray tracing in One Weekend
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Use Server Side Rendering Everywhere
Metropolis Light Transport (Reading Group)
Another c++ raytracer
Game Engine/Framework
A С++ game engine with OpenGL
C++/OpenGL tool for realistic ocean wave rendering. Originally develop...
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:hourglass: Predicting render times for Arnold renderer scenes
Simple raytracer written in Java
Lens flare with SVG
Forward plus renderer implementation with Vulkan.
An experiment with 3d projection, a simple .obj explorer. Try it out w...
3D diffusion limited aggregation
ShapesRB is a easy-to-use Ruby Gem that draws Shapes
Simple grid-based responsive HTML renderer for Pandas data frames.
A simple GPU path tracer.
💥 Set of JavaScript actions to use during component rendering
A 3D model of Taj Mahal modelled using Blender
Astronomy sky charts viewer application
Geometry morphing demo for AvaloniaUI
Atlas Monitor - a part of Atlas system, designed to submit jobs, view...
Rendering like it's React, without React.
This is a low-abstraction, high-performance Vulkan API with interfaces...
Yet another render engine
A rendering engine that implements Clustered Rendering in C++ and Open...
V semester Computer Graphics Project
:triangular_ruler: RoyalRender submitter for Mandelbulber2
Nray is a multithreaded physically based path tracer. It reads a scene...
SheepitOS is a very lightweight Distro based on Porteus / Slackware fo...
CLI tool for rendering twitch logs into image/video/html.
Very simplistic C# path tracer to demonstrate my software engineering...
Multi-threaded CPU raytracer in C++
Website Performance Optimization Udacity's Course Project
:white_check_mark: Demosession: A rendering of an illustrative map geo...
Cross Platform Application for Calculating Render Time.
A naive ray tracer, written in modern C++
3D renderer from scratch
Basic raytracer written in C++
A Spectral Ray tracer in Haskell
Python Implementation of "Painterly rendering with curved brush stroke...
Flask Library/Tool to use pure DOM javascript render with view Engine
This is a sample application for Angular Server Side Rendering.
Mirror from
C# library for 3D rendering.
A general-purpose game engine learning project and CS BSc/MSc thesis.